Jackie Kabler – Life Sentence

Another day, another review! Thanks to Rachel’s Random Resources and One More Chapter for the gifted ebook.

And I’ve been jailed not just for a crime I didn’t commit, but for a crime that never even happened.

My name is Amber Ryan.

I’m in prison, but I’m innocent.

Now, my friend is going to try to prove it.

But to do that, she has to go back.

Back to the dark.

My Review

A psychological thriller with a blurb and title which made me rather eager to read it. I have previously read Jackie Kabler’s books, so I know her writing is of high quality. I totally expected to have a great read, and she didn’t let me down one iota!

Told from the multiple perspectives of Amber, Heather, and Jack. Three people whose lives are entangled to a level that had me on the edge of my seat as I read.

Amber is in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. She enlists the help of Heather, her ex- best friend, to try to find the evidence to prove her innocence. Heather happens to be the ex- girlfriend of the perpetrator,Jack. She knows this means she has to get back with him. Although terrified, she knows this is the only way to gain access to his house in order to find any evidence to free Amber.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. The tension was built at an increasing speed as the pages whizzed by. The Life Sentence just highlights how anyone can be manipulated and not even realise it. The number of characters that I didn’t trust grew the more they were introduced into the story. I felt the danger seeping out of the pages as Heather tried to find the evidence needed in Jack’s house. Even I was scared for her!

Jacke Kabler is an expert in keeping me gripped. Whether it’s through the drama or fear, I don’t know! All I know is that this book left me thinking afterwards.

Purchase Links

Amazon.co.uk https://www.amazon.co.uk/Life-Sentence-addictive-psychological-thriller-ebook/dp/B0C8F985C3

Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Life-Sentence-addictive-psychological-thriller-ebook/dp/B0C8F985C3

Author Bio

Jackie Kabler is a television presenter and award-winning crime writer. Her bestselling psychological thrillers have been translated into eight languages. They include Am I Guilty?, The Perfect Couple, The Happy Family, The Murder List and The Vanishing of Class 3B. A former TV news reporter, when not writing Jackie now works as a presenter for UK TV shopping channel QVC; she is also an ultramarathon runner and keen gardener, and lives in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, with her husband.

Social Media Links

Website http://www.jackiekabler.com
Twitter @jackiekabler
Instagram @officialjackiekabler

Published by Sharon

A book blogger https://sharonbeyondthebook.wordpress.com

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